Name Venue Year citations
ReAD: AD-Based Modular Ontology Classification. JELIA 2021 1
Modular Structures and Atomic Decomposition in Ontologies. JAIR 2020 10
Prevalence and Effects of Class Hierarchy Precompilation in Biomedical Ontologies. ISWC 2020 0
Detecting Influences of Ontology Design Patterns in Biomedical Ontologies. ISWC 2019 3
Mining Hypotheses from Data in OWL: Advanced Evaluation and Complete Construction. ISWC 2017 6
General Terminology Induction in OWL. ISWC 2015 1
A Multi-reasoner, Justification-Based Approach to Reasoner Correctness. ISWC 2015 12
Introducing Defeasibility into OWL Ontologies. ISWC 2015 6
A Study on the Atomic Decomposition of Ontologies. ISWC 2014 8
Algorithm for Adapting Cases Represented in a Tractable Description Logic. ICCBR 2014 5
Predicting Performance of OWL Reasoners: Locally or Globally? KR 2014 23
The logical diversity of explanations in OWL ontologies. CIKM 2013 5
Empirical Study of Logic-Based Modules: Cheap Is Cheerful. ISWC 2013 30
Justification Masking in Ontologies. KR 2012 13
Extracting Justifications from BioPortal Ontologies. ISWC 2012 33
Concept-Based Semantic Difference in Expressive Description Logics. ISWC 2012 11
Performance Heterogeneity and Approximate Reasoning in Description Logic Ontologies. ISWC 2012 54
Categorising logical differences between OWL ontologies. CIKM 2011 29
The Justificatory Structure of the NCBO BioPortal Ontologies. ISWC 2011 21
The Cognitive Complexity of OWL Justifications. ISWC 2011 56
Decomposition and Modular Structure of BioPortal Ontologies. ISWC 2011 50
The Modular Structure of an Ontology: Atomic Decomposition. IJCAI 2011 115
Justification Oriented Proofs in OWL. ISWC 2010 59
JustBench: A Framework for OWL Benchmarking. ISWC 2010 29
Representing ontologies using description logics, description graphs, and rules. Artificial Intelligence 2009 69
Minimal Module Extraction from DL-Lite Ontologies Using QBF Solvers. IJCAI 2009 86
Laconic and Precise Justifications in OWL. ISWC 2008 258
Representing Structured Objects using Description Graphs. KR 2008 25
Safe and Economic Re-Use of Ontologies: A Logic-Based Methodology and Tool Support. ESWC 2008 119
Modular Reuse of Ontologies: Theory and Practice. JAIR 2008 436
Structured objects in owl: representation and reasoning. WWW 2008 83
Unions of Conjunctive Queries in SHOQ. KR 2008 43
Conjunctive Query Answering for the Description Logic SHIQ. JAIR 2008 0
Just the right amount: extracting modules from ontologies. WWW 2007 267
Completing Description Logic Knowledge Bases Using Formal Concept Analysis. IJCAI 2007 204
Conjunctive Query Answering for the Description Logic SHIQ. IJCAI 2007 308
How Many Legs Do I Have? Non-Simple Roles in Number Restrictions Revisited. LPAR 2007 28
Bridging the gap between OWL and relational databases. WWW 2007 294
A Logical Framework for Modularity of Ontologies. IJCAI 2007 168
Deciding Semantic Matching of Stateless Services. AAAI 2006 64
Can OWL and Logic Programming Live Together Happily Ever After? ISWC 2006 148
The Even More Irresistible SROIQ. KR 2006 1065
A Comparison of Reasoning Techniques for Querying Large Description Logic ABoxes. LPAR 2006 193
Seven Bottlenecks to Workflow Reuse and Repurposing. ISWC 2005 99
Integrating Description Logics and Action Formalisms: First Results. AAAI 2005 206
A Little Semantic Web Goes a Long Way in Biology. ISWC 2005 72
A Tableaux Decision Procedure for SHOIQ. IJCAI 2005 462
Data Complexity of Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics. IJCAI 2005 266
Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains. JAIR 2005 0
Query Answering for OWL-DL with Rules. ISWC 2004 736
Reducing SHIQ-Description Logic to Disjunctive Datalog Programs. KR 2004 278
Reasoning in Description Logics with a Concrete Domain in the Framework of Resolution. ECAI 2004 39
A Decomposition Rule for Decision Procedures by Resolution-Based Calculi. LPAR 2004 0
Decidability of SHIQ with complex role inclusion axioms. Artificial Intelligence 2004 0
A Translation of Looping Alternating Automata into Description Logics. CADE 2003 12
Decidability of SHIQ with Complex Role Inclusion Axioms. IJCAI 2003 198
Keys, Nominals, and Concrete Domains. IJCAI 2003 110
The Complexity of Finite Model Reasoning in Description Logics. CADE 2003 0
The Complexity of the Graded µ-Calculus. CADE 2002 85
Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ. ECAI 2002 83
BDD-Based Decision Procedures for K. CADE 2002 53
Ontology Reasoning in the SHOQ(D) Description Logic. IJCAI 2001 404
Reasoning with Individuals for the Description Logic SHIQ. CADE 2000 325
How to Decide Query Containment Under Constraints Using a Description Logic. LPAR 2000 107
Description Logics for the Representation of Aggregated Objects. ECAI 2000 55
Practical Reasoning for Expressive Description Logics. LPAR 1999 651
Description Logics with Concrete Domains and Aggregation. ECAI 1998 48
Description Logics with Symbolic Number Restrictions. ECAI 1996 28
Number Restrictions on Complex Roles in Description Logics: A Preliminary Report. KR 1996 47
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