Name Venue Year citations
Ontology Repositories and Semantic Artefact Catalogues with the OntoPortal Technology. ISWC 2023 0
HopRank: How Semantic Structure Influences Teleportation in PageRank (A Case Study on BioPortal). WWW 2019 3
Use of OWL and Semantic Web Technologies at Pinterest. ISWC 2019 8
Aligning Biomedical Metadata with Ontologies Using Clustering and Embeddings. ESWC 2019 8
The CEDAR Workbench: An Ontology-Assisted Environment for Authoring Metadata that Describe Scientific Experiments. ISWC 2017 36
PhLeGrA: Graph Analytics in Pharmacology over the Web of Life Sciences Linked Open Data. WWW 2017 25
BiOnIC: A Catalog of User Interactions with Biomedical Ontologies. ISWC 2017 3
How Users Explore Ontologies on the Web: A Study of NCBO's BioPortal Usage Logs. WWW 2017 0
Understanding How Users Edit Ontologies: Comparing Hypotheses About Four Real-World Projects. ISWC 2015 21
Helping Users Bootstrap Ontologies: An Empirical Investigation. CHI 2015 6
A Study on the Atomic Decomposition of Ontologies. ISWC 2014 8
Getting Lucky in Ontology Search: A Data-Driven Evaluation Framework for Ontology Ranking. ISWC 2013 12
Simplified OWL Ontology Editing for the Web: Is WebProtégé Enough? ISWC 2013 24
Using Semantic Web in ICD-11: Three Years Down the Road. ISWC 2013 37
Using SPARQL to Query BioPortal Ontologies and Metadata. ISWC 2012 36
A knowledge base driven user interface for collaborative ontology development. IUI 2011 14
Mapping Master: A Flexible Approach for Mapping Spreadsheets to OWL. ISWC 2010 91
Optimize First, Buy Later: Analyzing Metrics to Ramp-Up Very Large Knowledge Bases. ISWC 2010 20
Will Semantic Web Technologies Work for the Development of ICD-11? ISWC 2010 47
Semantic Wiki Search. ESWC 2009 49
What Four Million Mappings Can Tell You about Two Hundred Ontologies. ISWC 2009 68
Supporting Collaborative Ontology Development in Protégé. ISWC 2008 206
Collecting Community-Based Mappings in an Ontology Repository. ISWC 2008 86
A Framework for Ontology Evolution in Collaborative Environments. ISWC 2006 298
Supporting Rule System Interoperability on the Semantic Web with SWRL. ISWC 2005 286
The Protégé OWL Plugin: An Open Development Environment for Semantic Web Applications. ISWC 2004 1077
Specifying Ontology Views by Traversal. ISWC 2004 206
Tracking Changes During Ontology Evolution. ISWC 2004 153
Jambalaya: an interactive environment for exploring ontologies. IUI 2002 73
Task Modeling with Reusable Problem-Solving Methods. Artificial Intelligence 1995 213
Model-Based Automated Generation of User Interfaces. AAAI 1994 47
Graph-Grammar Assistance for Automated Generation of Influence Diagrams. UAI 1993 0
Automated Support for Building and Extending Expert Models. MLJ 1989 24
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