Helge J. Ritter

131 publications

20 venues

H Index 29


Bielefeld University, Faculty of Technology, Germany
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis, 2001


Name Venue Year citations
Face Generation and Editing With StyleGAN: A Survey. TPAMI 2024 0
Placing by Touching: An Empirical Study on the Importance of Tactile Sensing for Precise Object Placing. IROS 2023 0
Bio-Inspired Grasping Controller for Sensorized 2-DoF Grippers. IROS 2022 1
Action Selection and Execution in Everyday Activities: A Cognitive Robotics and Situation Model Perspective. Topics in Cognitive Science 2022 0
Conditional StyleGAN for Grasp Generation. ICRA 2021 1
Geometry-Based Grasping Pipeline for Bi-Modal Pick and Place. IROS 2021 2
Learning Optimal Impedance Control During Complex 3D Arm Movements. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2021 5
Barometer-based Tactile Skin for Anthropomorphic Robot Hand. IROS 2020 12
From Geometries to Contact Graphs. ICANN 2020 0
Object-Level Impedance Control for Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2020 14
Prototype-Based Online Learning on Homogeneously Labeled Streaming Data. ICANN 2020 0
Conditional WGAN for grasp generation. ESANN 2019 3
Active Learning for Image Recognition Using a Visualization-Based User Interface. ICANN 2019 6
MoveIt! Task Constructor for Task-Level Motion Planning. ICRA 2019 37
Scaffolding Haptic Attention with Controller Gating. ICANN 2019 0
Estimating an Articulated Tool's Kinematics via Visuo-Tactile Based Robotic Interactive Manipulation. IROS 2018 3
Skill Transfer for Mediated Interaction Learning. Humanoids 2018 0
Improving Active Learning by Avoiding Ambiguous Samples. ICANN 2018 3
Efficient accuracy estimation for instance-based incremental active learning. ESANN 2018 4
Mechatronic fingernail with static and dynamic force sensing. IROS 2018 7
Learning to Put On a Knit Cap in a Head-Centric Policy Space. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2018 7
Robot self-protection by virtual actuator fatigue: Application to tendon-driven dexterous hands during grasping. IROS 2017 6
Comparing Action Sets: Mutual Information as a Measure of Control. ICANN 2017 0
Gaussian Mixture Model for 3-DoF orientations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2017 29
Tactile Convolutional Networks for Online Slip and Rotation Detection. ICANN 2016 43
Distinguishing sliding from slipping during object pushing. IROS 2016 22
Active Boundary Component Models for robotic dressing assistance. IROS 2016 9
Learning a tool's homogeneous transformation by tactile-based interaction. Humanoids 2016 3
Flexible and stretchable fabric-based tactile sensor. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2015 173
Discriminating liquids using a robotic kitchen assistant. IROS 2015 14
A Computational Model for Learning Structured Concepts From Physical Scenes. Cognitive Science 2015 0
Interaction skills for a coat-check robot: Identifying and handling the boundary components of clothes. ICRA 2015 23
Towards body schema learning using training data acquired by continuous self-touch. Humanoids 2015 4
A visuo-tactile control framework for manipulation and exploration of unknown objects. Humanoids 2015 22
Fully automatic optical motion tracking using an inverse kinematics approach. Humanoids 2015 23
Augmenting curved robot surfaces with soft tactile skin. IROS 2015 19
Similarity-based Ordering of Instances for Efficient Concept Learning. Cognitive Science 2014 5
Real-time hierarchical scene segmentation and classification. Humanoids 2014 13
Using haptics to extract object shape from rotational manipulations. IROS 2014 16
Real-time hand tracking using synergistic inverse kinematics. ICRA 2014 35
Learning of Lateral Interactions for Perceptual Grouping Employing Information Gain. ICANN 2013 2
Exploiting eye-hand coordination: A novel approach to remote manipulation. IROS 2013 3
Grouping by Similarity Helps Concept Learning. Cognitive Science 2013 3
Realtime 3D segmentation for human-robot interaction. IROS 2013 30
Integrating vision, haptics and proprioception into a feedback controller for in-hand manipulation of unknown objects. IROS 2013 23
Thought-controlled robots - Systems, studies and future challenges. ICRA 2013 8
A Control Framework for Tactile Servoing. RSS 2013 96
Perceptual grouping through competition in coupled oscillator networks. ESANN 2013 0
3D scene segmentation for autonomous robot grasping. IROS 2012 44
Analysis of human grasping under task anticipation using a tactile book. Humanoids 2012 8
Real-time hand tracking with a color glove for the actuation of anthropomorphic robot hands. Humanoids 2012 26
Real-time 3D segmentation of cluttered scenes for robot grasping. Humanoids 2012 59
Reification through perceptual grouping. Humanoids 2012 0
Grasp point optimization by online exploration of unknown object surface. Humanoids 2012 16
Tactile dataglove with fabric-based sensors. Humanoids 2012 24
Towards multi-user brain-robot interfaces for humanoid robot control. Humanoids 2012 4
Folding paper with anthropomorphic robot hands using real-time physics-based modeling. Humanoids 2012 32
Bi-manual robotic paper manipulation based on real-time marker tracking and physical modelling. IROS 2011 26
Saving and Restoring Mechanisms for Tangible User Interfaces through Tangible Active Objects. HCI 2011 2
Robust tracking of human hand postures for robot teaching. IROS 2011 21
Deformable trees - exploiting local obstacle avoidance. Humanoids 2011 8
Learning of object manipulation operations from continuous multimodal input. Humanoids 2011 9
Bio-inspired motion strategies for a bimanual manipulation task. Humanoids 2010 26
Recognition of situation classes at road intersections. ICRA 2010 73
Neural competition for motion segmentation. ESANN 2010 2
Structured unsupervised kernel regression for closed-loop motion control. IROS 2010 5
An iterative approach to local-PCA. IJCNN 2010 0
Using Structured UKR manifolds for motion classification and segmentation. IROS 2009 6
On-line planning of time-optimal, jerk-limited trajectories. IROS 2008 158
Gestalt-based action segmentation for robot task learning. Humanoids 2008 22
Towards dextrous manipulation using manipulation manifolds. IROS 2008 22
Acquisition and Application of a Tactile Database. ICRA 2007 25
Manual Intelligence as a Rosetta Stone for Robot Cognition. ISRR 2007 10
Platform portable anthropomorphic grasping with the bielefeld 20-DOF shadow and 9-DOF TUM hand. IROS 2007 144
Experience-based and tactile-driven dynamic grasp control. IROS 2007 42
Adaptive scene-dependent filters in online learning environments. ESANN 2006 4
A Biologically Motivated System for Unconstrained Online Learning of Visual Objects. ICANN 2006 20
A Leave-K-Out Cross-Validation Scheme for Unsupervised Kernel Regression. ICANN 2006 10
Dynamic Path Planning for a 7-DOF Robot Arm. IROS 2006 38
Variants of Unsupervised Kernel Regression: General cost functions. ESANN 2006 0
Learning lateral interactions for feature binding and sensory segmentation from prototypic basis interactions. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 2006 0
Relevance determination in reinforcement learning. ESANN 2005 2
An on-line neural network-based approach to dynamic path planning and coordination of two robot arms. IROS 2005 3
Principal Surfaces from Unsupervised Kernel Regression. TPAMI 2005 81
Situated robot learning for multi-modal instruction and imitation of grasping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2004 86
A computational feature binding model of human texture perception. Cognitive Processing 2004 34
Semi-automatic acquisition and labelling of image data using SOMs. ESANN 2003 6
A neural network model that calculates dynamic distance transform for path planning and exploration in a changing environment. ICRA 2003 8
Interactive Visualization and Navigation in Large Data Collections using the Hyperbolic Space. ICDM 2003 25
Discriminative Densities from Maximum Contrast Estimation. NIPS/NeurIPS 2002 19
Visual recognition of continuous hand postures. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 2002 132
Improving Transfer Rates in Brain Computer Interfacing: A Case Study. NIPS/NeurIPS 2002 131
Parametrized SOMs for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation. ICANN 2002 12
Multi-modal human-machine communication for instructing robot grasping tasks. IROS 2002 113
Combining gestural and contact information for visual guidance of multi-finger grasps. ESANN 2002 4
On interactive visualization of high-dimensional data using the hyperbolic plane. KDD 2002 73
Maximum Contrast Classifiers. ICANN 2002 5
Text Categorization and Semantic Browsing with Self-Organizing Maps on Non-euclidean Spaces. ECML/PKDD 2001 27
Quantizing Density Estimators. NIPS/NeurIPS 2001 14
Visual Checking of Grasping Positions of a Three-Fingered Robot Hand. ICANN 2001 11
Using Maximal Recurrence in Linear Threshold Competitive Layer Networks. ICANN 2001 0
Hyperbolic Self-Organizing Maps for Semantic Navigation. NIPS/NeurIPS 2001 56
Controlling Oscillatory Behaviour of a Two Neuron Recurrent Neural Network Using Inputs. ICANN 2001 14
Guiding attention for grasping tasks by gestural instruction: the GRAVIS-robot architecture. IROS 2001 26
Parametrized SOMs for Hand Posture Reconstruction. IJCNN 2000 24
Fluorescence Micrograph Segmentation by Gestalt-Based Feature Binding. IJCNN 2000 8
Segmentation of Partially Occluded Objects by Local Classification. IJCNN 2000 1
A neural network approach to adaptive pattern analysis - the deformable feature map. ESANN 2000 10
A neural network architecture for automatic segmentation of fluorescence micrographs. ESANN 2000 0
Feature binding and relaxation labeling with the competitive layer model. ESANN 1999 11
Maximisation of stability ranges for recurrent neural networks subject to on-line adaptation. ESANN 1999 6
An instantaneous topological mapping model for correlated stimuli. IJCNN 1999 86
Recognition of human head orientation based on artificial neural networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 1998 139
A Layered Recurrent Neural Network for Feature Grouping. ICANN 1997 10
Facial Feature Detection Using Neural Networks. ICANN 1997 8
Adaptive color segmentation-a comparison of neural and statistical methods. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 1997 178
Self-Organizing Maps for Robot Control. ICANN 1997 10
A tactile sensor system for a three-fingered robot manipulator. ICRA 1997 101
Active Learning of the Generalized High-Low Game. ICANN 1996 8
Cortical Map Development Driven by Spontaneous Retinal Activity Waves. ICANN 1996 4
Visual Gesture Recognition by a Modular Neural System. ICANN 1996 3
A Hybrid Object Recognition Architecture. ICANN 1996 25
Associative Completion and Investment Learning Using PSOMs. ICANN 1996 6
Visual gesture-based robot guidance with a modular neural system. NIPS/NeurIPS 1995 10
Investment Learning with Hierarchical PSOMs. NIPS/NeurIPS 1995 18
Generalization Abilities of Cascade Network Architecture. NIPS/NeurIPS 1992 27
Asymptotic level density for a class of vector quantization processes. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 1991 139
Nonlinear prediction with self-organizing maps. IJCNN 1990 82
A neural network model for the formation of topographic maps in the CNS: development of receptive fields. IJCNN 1990 22
Three-dimensional neural net for learning visuomotor coordination of a robot arm. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 1990 277
Development and Spatial Structure of Cortical Feature Maps: A Model Study. NIPS/NeurIPS 1990 22
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