A Neural Dynamic Model Perceptually Grounds Nested Noun Phrases.
Topics in Cognitive Science |
2023 |
0 |
Bridging DFT and DNNs: A neural dynamic process model of scene representation, guided visual search and scene grammar in natural scenes.
Cognitive Science |
2022 |
0 |
A Perceptually Grounded Neural Dynamic Architecture Establishes Analogy Between Visual Object Pairs.
Cognitive Science |
2022 |
0 |
A Neural Dynamic Model Perceptually Grounds Nested Noun Phrases.
Cognitive Science |
2022 |
0 |
A neural dynamic process model of combined bottom-up and top-down guidance in triple conjunction visual search.
Cognitive Science |
2021 |
1 |
Building neural processing accounts of higher cognition in Dynamic Field Theory.
Cognitive Science |
2020 |
0 |
The Dynamics of Neural Populations Capture the Laws of the Mind.
Topics in Cognitive Science |
2020 |
13 |
Grounding Spatial Language in Perception by Combining Concepts in a Neural Dynamic Architecture.
Cognitive Science |
2020 |
4 |
Neural dynamic concepts for intentional systems.
Cognitive Science |
2019 |
3 |
How Productivity and Compositionality May Emerge from a Neural Dynamics of Perceptual Grounding.
Cognitive Science |
2019 |
0 |
Sequences of discrete attentional shifts emerge from a neural dynamic architecture for conjunctive visual search that operates in continuous time.
Cognitive Science |
2018 |
5 |
A neural dynamic architecture that autonomously builds mental models.
Cognitive Science |
2018 |
8 |
A Neural Dynamic Model Generates Descriptions of Object-Oriented Actions.
Topics in Cognitive Science |
2017 |
12 |
Mouse Tracking Shows Attraction to Alternative Targets While Grounding Spatial Relations.
Cognitive Science |
2017 |
2 |
A Neural Dynamic Model Parses Object-Oriented Actions.
Cognitive Science |
2016 |
2 |
A Neural Dynamic Architecture Resolves Phrases about Spatial Relations in Visual Scenes.
2014 |
9 |
A neural dynamics architecture for grasping that integrates perception and movement generation and enables on-line updating.
2014 |
10 |
Instance-Based Object Recognition with Simultaneous Pose Estimation Using Keypoint Maps and Neural Dynamics.
2014 |
3 |
Autonomous Neural Dynamics to Test Hypotheses in a Model of Spatial Language.
Cognitive Science |
2014 |
16 |
Dynamic Field Theory: Conceptual Foundations and Applications in the Cognitive and Developmental Sciences.
Cognitive Science |
2013 |
0 |
A Software Framework for Cognition, Embodiment, Dynamics, and Autonomy in Robotics: Cedar.
2013 |
15 |
The Counter-Change Model of Motion Perception: An Account Based on Dynamic Field Theory.
2012 |
10 |
A robotic architecture for action selection and behavioral organization inspired by human cognition.
2012 |
70 |
A Dynamic Field Architecture for the Generation of Hierarchically Organized Sequences.
2012 |
12 |
Autonomous movement generation for manipulators with multiple simultaneous constraints using the attractor dynamics approach.
2011 |
17 |
Integrating orientation constraints into the attractor dynamics approach for autonomous manipulation.
Humanoids |
2010 |
5 |
Generating collision free reaching movements for redundant manipulators using dynamical systems.
2010 |
19 |
Learning objects on the fly - object recognition for the here and now.
2010 |
3 |
Temporal stabilization of discrete movement in variable environments: An attractor dynamics approach.
2009 |
13 |
A neuro-dynamic architecture for one shot learning of objects that uses both bottom-up recognition and top-down prediction.
2009 |
21 |
Announcing the Interdisciplinary College 2009 (IK 2009) - 6-13 March, 2009 at Günne, a charming village at Lake Möhne in central Germany.
Cognitive Processing |
2009 |
0 |
Dynamical Systems Approach for the Autonomous Avoidance of Obstacles and Joint-limits for an Redundant Robot Arm.
2006 |
57 |
Autonomous Reaching and Obstacle Avoidance with the Anthropomorphic Arm of a Robotic Assistant using the Attractor Dynamics Approach.
2004 |
42 |
Anthropomorphism as a pervasive design concept for a robotic assistant.
2003 |
31 |
WAD project where attractor dynamics aids wheelchair navigation.
2002 |
3 |
Target Representation on an Autonomous Vehicle with Low-Level Sensors.
2000 |
152 |
The dynamic approach to autonomous robotics demonstrated on a low-level vehicle platform.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
1997 |
121 |
Self-calibration based on invariant view recognition: Dynamic approach to navigation.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
1997 |
60 |
Neural Field Dynamics for Motion Perception.
1996 |
1 |
Population Coding in Cat Visual Cortex Reveals Nonlinear Interactions as Predicted by a Neural Field Model.
1996 |
6 |
Dynamic fields endow behavior-based robots with representations.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
1995 |
69 |
Dynamics of behavior: Theory and applications for autonomous robot architectures.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
1995 |
391 |
A dynamical systems approach to task-level system integration used to plan and control autonomous vehicle motion.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
1992 |
171 |
Information in a dynamic theory of behavioral patterns.
1990 |
0 |