Gregor Behnke

34 publications

6 venues

H Index 18

Name Venue Year citations
Symbolic Reasoning Methods for AI Planning. AAAI 2024 0
Learning Planning Domains from Non-redundant Fully-Observed Traces: Theoretical Foundations and Complexity Analysis. AAAI 2024 0
On the Computational Complexity of Stackelberg Planning and Meta-Operator Verification. ICAPS 2024 0
On Total-Order HTN Plan Verification with Method Preconditions - An Extension of the CYK Parsing Algorithm. AAAI 2023 0
On Partial Satisfaction Planning with Total-Order HTNs. ICAPS 2023 0
Accelerating SAT-Based HTN Plan Verification by Exploiting Data Structures from HTN Planning. ECAI 2023 0
Making Translations to Classical Planning Competitive with Other HTN Planners. AAAI 2022 3
Encoding Lifted Classical Planning in Propositional Logic. ICAPS 2022 2
Compiling HTN Plan Verification Problems into HTN Planning Problems. ICAPS 2022 1
Correcting Hierarchical Plans by Action Deletion. KR 2021 3
Loop Detection in the PANDA Planning System. ICAPS 2021 5
Block Compression and Invariant Pruning for SAT-based Totally-Ordered HTN Planning. ICAPS 2021 6
Symbolic Search for Optimal Total-Order HTN Planning. AAAI 2021 3
New Developments for Robert - Assisting Novice Users Even Better in DIY Projects. ICAPS 2020 14
On Succinct Groundings of HTN Planning Problems. AAAI 2020 24
Delete- and Ordering-Relaxation Heuristics for HTN Planning. IJCAI 2020 9
HDDL: An Extension to PDDL for Expressing Hierarchical Planning Problems. AAAI 2020 40
HTN Planning as Heuristic Progression Search. JAIR 2020 25
On Guiding Search in HTN Planning with Classical Planning Heuristics. IJCAI 2019 18
Bringing Order to Chaos - A Compact Representation of Partial Order in SAT-Based HTN Planning. AAAI 2019 31
Finding Optimal Solutions in HTN Planning - A SAT-based Approach. IJCAI 2019 27
Instructing Novice Users on How to Use Tools in DIY Projects. IJCAI 2018 12
totSAT - Totally-Ordered Hierarchical Planning Through SAT. AAAI 2018 42
A Generic Method to Guide HTN Progression Search with Classical Heuristics. ICAPS 2018 40
An Admissible HTN Planning Heuristic. IJCAI 2017 36
This Is a Solution! (... But Is It Though?) - Verifying Solutions of Hierarchical Planning Problems. ICAPS 2017 24
Bound to Plan: Exploiting Classical Heuristics via Automatic Translations of Tail-Recursive HTN Problems. ICAPS 2016 36
More than a Name? On Implications of Preconditions and Effects of Compound HTN Planning Tasks. ECAI 2016 31
Assessing the Expressivity of Planning Formalisms through the Comparison to Formal Languages. ICAPS 2016 40
Change the Plan - How Hard Can That Be? ICAPS 2016 25
On the Complexity of HTN Plan Verification and Its Implications for Plan Recognition. ICAPS 2015 44
Coherence Across Components in Cognitive Systems - One Ontology to Rule Them All. IJCAI 2015 22
A Planning-Based Assistance System for Setting Up a Home Theater. AAAI 2015 25
Language Classification of Hierarchical Planning Problems. ECAI 2014 55
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