Name Venue Year citations
Large Language Models for Scientific Question Answering: An Extensive Analysis of the SciQA Benchmark. ESWC 2024 0
AIDA-Bot 2.0: Enhancing Conversational Agents with Knowledge Graphs for Analysing the Research Landscape. ISWC 2023 0
Leveraging Knowledge Graph Technologies to Assess Journals and Conferences at Springer Nature. ISWC 2022 0
CS-KG: A Large-Scale Knowledge Graph of Research Entities and Claims in Computer Science. ISWC 2022 1
Towards a Framework for Visual Intelligence in Service Robotics: Epistemic Requirements and Gap Analysis. KR 2020 8
AI-KG: An Automatically Generated Knowledge Graph of Artificial Intelligence. ISWC 2020 50
Improving Editorial Workflow and Metadata Quality at Springer Nature. ISWC 2019 24
The Computer Science Ontology: A Large-Scale Taxonomy of Research Areas. ISWC 2018 114
Pragmatic Ontology Evolution: Reconciling User Requirements and Application Performance. ISWC 2018 20
Ontology-Based Recommendation of Editorial Products. ISWC 2018 30
Using Insights from Psychology and Language to Improve How People Reason with Description Logics. ESWC 2017 0
Semantic Topic Compass - Classification Based on Unsupervised Feature Ambiguity Gradation. ESWC 2016 0
Learning to Assess Linked Data Relationships Using Genetic Programming. ISWC 2016 8
Automatic Classification of Springer Nature Proceedings with Smart Topic Miner. ISWC 2016 45
Klink-2: Integrating Multiple Web Sources to Generate Semantic Topic Networks. ISWC 2015 79
Data Patterns Explained with Linked Data. ECML/PKDD 2015 9
Dedalo: Looking for Clusters Explanations in a Labyrinth of Linked Data. ESWC 2014 40
The Usability of Description Logics - Understanding the Cognitive Difficulties Presented by Description Logics. ESWC 2014 21
Identifying Diachronic Topic-Based Research Communities by Clustering Shared Research Trajectories. ESWC 2014 39
Exploring Scholarly Data with Rexplore. ISWC 2013 123
Unsupervised Learning of Link Discovery Configuration. ESWC 2012 108
Impact of Using Relationships between Ontologies to Enhance the Ontology Search Results. ESWC 2012 6
Mining Semantic Relations between Research Areas. ISWC 2012 62
Linking Data across Universities: An Integrated Video Lectures Dataset. ISWC 2011 31
wayOU - Linked Data-Based Social Location Tracking in a Large, Distributed Organisation. ESWC 2011 9
A Novel Approach to Visualizing and Navigating Ontologies. ISWC 2011 0
Ontology Evolution with Evolva. ESWC 2009 34
Folksonomy Enrichment and Search. ESWC 2009 12
SemSearch: Refining Semantic Search. ESWC 2008 11
Semantic Browsing with PowerMagpie. ESWC 2008 12
Exploiting large scale web semantics to build end user applications. IUI 2008 0
SCARLET: SemantiC RelAtion DiscoveRy by Harvesting OnLinE OnTologies. ESWC 2008 50
Integrating Folksonomies with the Semantic Web. ESWC 2007 479
PowerMap: Mapping the Real Semantic Web on the Fly. ISWC 2006 82
PowerAqua: Fishing the Semantic Web. ESWC 2006 161
An Infrastructure for Acquiring High Quality Semantic Metadata. ESWC 2006 30
ClaimSpotter: an environment to support sensemaking with knowledge triples. IUI 2005 31
AquaLog: An Ontology-Portable Question Answering System for the Semantic Web. ESWC 2005 252
Opening Up Magpie via Semantic Services. ISWC 2004 73
Scholarly publishing and argument in hyperspace. WWW 2003 39
Magpie - Towards a Semantic Web Browser. ISWC 2003 195
IRS-II: A Framework and Infrastructure for Semantic Web Services. ISWC 2003 236
The Epistemology of Scheduling Problems. ECAI 2002 20
IIPS: an intelligent information presentation system. IUI 2002 11
ClaiMaker: Weaving a Semantic Web of Research Papers. ISWC 2002 53
UPML: A Framework for Knowledge System Reuse. IJCAI 1999 136
Symbol-Level Requirements for Agent-Level Programming. ECAI 1994 18
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