Name Venue Year citations
Fast Deep Neural Architecture Search for Wearable Activity Recognition by Early Prediction of Converged Performance. ISWC 2021 4
Detecting Freezing of Gait with Earables Trained from VR Motion Capture Data. ISWC 2021 2
WLCSSCuda: a CUDA accelerated template matching method for gesture recognition. UbiComp 2019 0
Unsupervised online activity discovery using temporal behaviour assumption. ISWC 2017 26
Deep convolutional feature transfer across mobile activity recognition domains, sensor modalities and locations. ISWC 2016 115
Electric field phase sensing for wearable orientation and localisation applications. ISWC 2016 6
Beach volleyball serve type recognition. ISWC 2016 11
Exploring glass as a novel method for hands-free data entry in flexible cystoscopy. UbiComp 2016 5
Enhancing action recognition through simultaneous semantic mapping from body-worn motion sensors. ISWC 2014 17
Exploring the acceptability of google glass as an everyday assistive device for people with parkinson's. CHI 2014 130
Group affiliation detection using model divergence for wearable devices. ISWC 2014 25
Improved actionSLAM for long-term indoor tracking with wearable motion sensors. ISWC 2013 41
Kinect=IMU? Learning MIMO Signal Mappings to Automatically Translate Activity Recognition Systems across Sensor Modalities. ISWC 2012 37
Detecting pedestrian flocks by fusion of multi-modal sensors in mobile phones. UbiComp 2012 81
Recognition of visual memory recall processes using eye movement analysis. UbiComp 2011 108
Towards multi-modal context recognition for hearing instruments. ISWC 2010 2
A wearable, ambient sound-based approach for infrastructureless fuzzy proximity estimation. ISWC 2010 21
Potentials of Enhanced Context Awareness in Wearable Assistants for Parkinson's Disease Patients with the Freezing of Gait Syndrome. ISWC 2009 70
Unsupervised Classifier Self-Calibration through Repeated Context Occurences: Is there Robustness against Sensor Displacement to Gain? ISWC 2009 73
Towards an Interactive Snowboarding Assistance System. ISWC 2009 12
It's in your eyes: towards context-awareness and mobile HCI using wearable EOG goggles. UbiComp 2008 72
Fusion of String-Matched Templates for Continuous Activity Recognition. ISWC 2007 44
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