Angela Dai

51 publications

4 venues

H Index 14


TU Munich, Germany
Stanford University, USA


Name Venue Year citations
MeshGPT: Generating Triangle Meshes with Decoder-Only Transformers. CVPR 2024 0
FutureHuman3D: Forecasting Complex Long-Term 3D Human Behavior from Video Observations. CVPR 2024 0
CG-HOI: Contact-Guided 3D Human-Object Interaction Generation. CVPR 2024 0
DiffuScene: Denoising Diffusion Models for Generative Indoor Scene Synthesis. CVPR 2024 0
DPHMs: Diffusion Parametric Head Models for Depth-Based Tracking. CVPR 2024 0
GenZI: Zero-Shot 3D Human-Scene Interaction Generation. CVPR 2024 0
UnScene3D: Unsupervised 3D Instance Segmentation for Indoor Scenes. CVPR 2024 0
PaSCo: Urban 3D Panoptic Scene Completion with Uncertainty Awareness. CVPR 2024 0
FaceTalk: Audio-Driven Motion Diffusion for Neural Parametric Head Models. CVPR 2024 0
Neural Part Priors: Learning to Optimize Part-Based Object Completion in RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2023 0
ObjectMatch: Robust Registration using Canonical Object Correspondences. CVPR 2023 0
Learning 3D Scene Priors with 2D Supervision. CVPR 2023 0
Panoptic Lifting for 3D Scene Understanding with Neural Fields. CVPR 2023 0
Mask3D: Pretraining 2D Vision Transformers by Learning Masked 3D Priors. CVPR 2023 0
Mesh2Tex: Generating Mesh Textures from Image Queries. ICCV 2023 0
HyperDiffusion: Generating Implicit Neural Fields with Weight-Space Diffusion. ICCV 2023 0
ScanNet++: A High-Fidelity Dataset of 3D Indoor Scenes. ICCV 2023 0
Language-Grounded Indoor 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild. ECCV 2022 13
SPAMs: Structured Implicit Parametric Models. CVPR 2022 7
Texturify: Generating Textures on 3D Shape Surfaces. ECCV 2022 3
Pose2Room: Understanding 3D Scenes from Human Activities. ECCV 2022 0
4DContrast: Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Correspondences for 3D Scene Understanding. ECCV 2022 0
ROCA: Robust CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment from a Single Image. CVPR 2022 0
Forecasting Characteristic 3D Poses of Human Actions. CVPR 2022 0
PatchComplete: Learning Multi-Resolution Patch Priors for 3D Shape Completion on Unseen Categories. NIPS/NeurIPS 2022 0
Patch2CAD: Patchwise Embedding Learning for In-the-Wild Shape Retrieval from a Single Image. ICCV 2021 11
Pri3D: Can 3D Priors Help 2D Representation Learning? ICCV 2021 30
TransformerFusion: Monocular RGB Scene Reconstruction using Transformers. NIPS/NeurIPS 2021 43
RetrievalFuse: Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with a Database. ICCV 2021 18
Panoptic 3D Scene Reconstruction From a Single RGB Image. NIPS/NeurIPS 2021 18
NPMs: Neural Parametric Models for 3D Deformable Shapes. ICCV 2021 47
SPSG: Self-Supervised Photometric Scene Generation From RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2021 0
Seeing Behind Objects for 3D Multi-Object Tracking in RGB-D Sequences. CVPR 2021 0
Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-Consistent Non-Rigid Reconstruction. CVPR 2021 0
Towards Part-Based Understanding of RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2021 0
Mask2CAD: 3D Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve. ECCV 2020 38
Neural Non-Rigid Tracking. NIPS/NeurIPS 2020 25
SceneCAD: Predicting Object Alignments and Layouts in RGB-D Scans. ECCV 2020 38
Adversarial Texture Optimization From RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2020 31
SG-NN: Sparse Generative Neural Networks for Self-Supervised Scene Completion of RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2020 0
RevealNet: Seeing Behind Objects in RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2020 0
Joint Embedding of 3D Scan and CAD Objects. ICCV 2019 23
End-to-End CAD Model Retrieval and 9DoF Alignment in 3D Scans. ICCV 2019 51
Scan2CAD: Learning CAD Model Alignment in RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2019 0
3D-SIS: 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation of RGB-D Scans. CVPR 2019 0
Scan2Mesh: From Unstructured Range Scans to 3D Meshes. CVPR 2019 0
3DMV: Joint 3D-Multi-view Prediction for 3D Semantic Scene Segmentation. ECCV 2018 223
ScanComplete: Large-Scale Scene Completion and Semantic Segmentation for 3D Scans. CVPR 2018 0
ScanNet: Richly-Annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes. CVPR 2017 1843
Shape Completion Using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis. CVPR 2017 0
Volumetric and Multi-view CNNs for Object Classification on 3D Data. CVPR 2016 1342
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