Andreas Zell

99 publications

9 venues

H Index 24


University of T bingen, Institute for Computer Science, Germany


Name Venue Year citations
eWand: An extrinsic calibration framework for wide baseline frame-based and event-based camera systems. ICRA 2024 0
Distilling Stereo Networks for Performant and Efficient Leaner Networks. IJCNN 2023 0
LeanStereo: A Leaner Backbone based Stereo Network. IJCNN 2023 0
Boundary Conditions in Geodesic Motion Planning for Manipulators. ICRA 2023 0
Fast Region of Interest Proposals on Maritime UAVs. ICRA 2023 0
Real-time event simulation with frame-based cameras. ICRA 2023 0
Memory Maps for Video Object Detection and Tracking on UAVs. IROS 2023 0
Leveraging Saliency-Aware Gaze Heatmaps for Multiperspective Teaching of Unknown Objects. IROS 2023 0
SpinDOE: A Ball Spin Estimation Method for Table Tennis Robot. IROS 2023 0
A Model-free Approach to Stroke Learning for Robotic Table Tennis. IJCNN 2022 0
Person-Following Controller with Socially Acceptable Robot Motion. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2022 1
Empirically Explaining SGD from a Line Search Perspective. ICANN 2021 2
Score refinement for confidence-based 3D multi-object tracking. IROS 2021 8
Measuring the Ripeness of Fruit with Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning. IJCNN 2021 4
Robust Stroke Recognition via Vision and IMU in Robotic Table Tennis. ICANN 2021 2
Robot Arm Motion Planning Based on Geodesics. ICRA 2021 0
Sample-efficient Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Table Tennis. ICRA 2021 0
Real-Time Graph-Based SLAM with Occupancy Normal Distributions Transforms. ICRA 2020 5
Distilling Location Proposals of Unknown Objects through Gaze Information for Human-Robot Interaction. IROS 2020 3
Spin Detection in Robotic Table Tennis ICRA 2020 0
Parabolic Approximation Line Search for DNNs. NIPS/NeurIPS 2020 0
Real-time Model Based Path Planning for Wheeled Vehicles. ICRA 2019 3
High-speed path following control of skid-steered vehicles. IJRR 2019 14
ARMCL: ARM Contact point Localization via Monte Carlo Localization. IROS 2019 7
Collaborative Mapping with Pose Uncertainties using different Radio Frequencies and Communication Modules. IROS 2019 1
MuSe: Multi-Sensor Integration Strategies Applied to Sequential Monte Carlo Methods. IROS 2019 2
ShuffleNASNets: Efficient CNN models through modified Efficient Neural Architecture Search. IJCNN 2019 0
Contact Point Localization for Articulated Manipulators with Proprioceptive Sensors and Machine Learning. ICRA 2018 19
Robust Real-Time 3D Person Detection for Indoor and Outdoor Applications. ICRA 2018 2
Efficient Map Representations for Multi-Dimensional Normal Distributions Transforms. IROS 2018 10
Path following control of skid-steered wheeled mobile robots at higher speeds on different terrain types. ICRA 2017 17
Multi-camera visual SLAM for autonomous navigation of micro aerial vehicles. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2017 69
Multi-sensor payload detection and acquisition for truck-trailer AGVs. ICRA 2017 5
Robust nonlinear control approach to nontrivial maneuvers and obstacle avoidance for quadrotor UAV under disturbances. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2017 32
LS-ELAS: Line segment based efficient large scale stereo matching. ICRA 2017 19
Real-time pose estimation on elevation maps for wheeled vehicles. IROS 2017 6
Outdoor person following at higher speeds using a skid-steered mobile robot. IROS 2017 19
Scalable Hybrid Deep Neural Kernel Networks. ESANN 2017 5
Recurrent Neural Networks for fast and robust vibration-based ground classification on mobile robots. ICRA 2016 25
RFID-enabled location fingerprinting based on similarity models from probabilistic similarity measures. ICRA 2016 14
Inverse Recurrent Models - An Application Scenario for Many-Joint Robot Arm Control. ICANN 2016 8
Generic 3D obstacle detection for AGVs using time-of-flight cameras. IROS 2016 14
Investigating Recurrent Neural Networks for Feature-Less Computational Drug Design. ICANN 2016 0
Revisiting Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Based Object Recognition. ICANN 2016 12
Robust Visual Terrain Classification with Recurrent Neural Networks. ESANN 2015 10
An analysis of Dynamic Cortex Memory networks. IJCNN 2015 8
Long range traversable region detection based on superpixels clustering for mobile robots. IROS 2015 14
Salient regions detection for indoor robots using RGB-D data. ICRA 2015 19
A robust nonlinear controller for nontrivial quadrotor maneuvers: Approach and verification. IROS 2015 16
Learning Recurrent Dynamics using Differential Evolution. ESANN 2015 1
Dynamic Cortex Memory: Enhancing Recurrent Neural Networks for Gradient-Based Sequence Learning. ICANN 2014 22
Robust and efficient volumetric occupancy mapping with an application to stereo vision. ICRA 2014 22
Dynamic objects tracking with a mobile robot using passive UHF RFID tags. IROS 2014 21
Building local terrain maps using spatio-temporal classification for semantic robot localization. IROS 2014 7
Visual SLAM for autonomous MAVs with dual cameras. ICRA 2014 19
Mapping of passive UHF RFID tags with a mobile robot using outlier detection and negative information. ICRA 2014 4
Mapping UHF RFID tags with a mobile robot using a 3D sensor model. IROS 2013 11
Efficient onbard RGBD-SLAM for autonomous MAVs. IROS 2013 53
A new feature detector and stereo matching method for accurate high-performance sparse stereo matching. IROS 2012 27
Visual terrain classification by flying robots. ICRA 2012 24
Using depth in visual simultaneous localisation and mapping. ICRA 2012 48
Visual tracking and following of a quadrocopter by another quadrocopter. IROS 2012 35
Path following with passive UHF RFID received signal strength in unknown environments. IROS 2012 11
Fast Data Mining with Sparse Chemical Graph Fingerprints by Estimating the Probability of Unique Patterns. ESANN 2011 0
Cooperative visual mapping in a heterogeneous team of mobile robots. ICRA 2011 11
Markov random field-based clustering of vibration data. IROS 2010 6
Fully autonomous trajectory estimation with long-range passive RFID. ICRA 2010 17
Swarm-supported outdoor localization with sparse visual data. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2010 8
Path following for an omnidirectional mobile robot based on model predictive control. ICRA 2009 103
Particle filter-based trajectory estimation with passive UHF RFID fingerprints in unknown environments. IROS 2009 9
Adaptive bayesian filtering for vibration-based terrain classification. ICRA 2009 36
Nonlinear predictive control of an omnidirectional robot dribbling a rolling ball. ICRA 2008 13
A model-predictive approach to formation control of omnidirectional mobile robots. IROS 2008 27
A boosting approach for object classification in biosonar based robot navigation. ICRA 2008 3
Self-Localization with RFID snapshots in densely tagged environments. IROS 2008 56
FIR-based classifiers for animal behavior classification. IJCNN 2008 0
A combination of vision- and vibration-based terrain classification. IROS 2008 50
Dribbling Control of Omnidirectional Soccer Robots. ICRA 2007 28
A hybrid approach for vision-based outdoor robot localization using global and local image features. IROS 2007 31
A novel kernel-based method for local pattern extraction in random process signals. ESANN 2007 3
Vibration-based Terrain Classification Using Support Vector Machines. IROS 2006 149
A Combined Monte-Carlo Localization and Tracking Algorithm for RoboCup. IROS 2006 35
Localization of mobile robots with omnidirectional vision using Particle Filter and iterative SIFT. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2006 98
An Automatic Approach to Online Color Training in RoboCup Environments. IROS 2006 7
Kernel Based Functional Gene Grouping. IJCNN 2006 16
Optimal assignment kernels for attributed molecular graphs. ICML 2005 153
Model-based Shape Analysis of Gas Concentration Gridmaps for Improved Gas Source Localisation. ICRA 2005 17
Learning to detect proximity to a gas source with a mobile robot. IROS 2004 15
Real-time object tracking for soccer-robots without color information. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2004 108
Global visual localization of mobile robots using kernel principal component analysis. IROS 2004 17
Gas Source Declaration with a Mobile Robot. ICRA 2004 48
Real-time face tracking using discriminator technique on standard PC hardware. IROS 2004 6
Adaptation of rescue robot behaviour in unknown terrains based on stochastic and fuzzy logic approaches. IROS 2003 15
Different criteria for active learning in neural networks: a comparative study. ESANN 2002 10
Investigating the influence of the neighborhood attraction factor to evolution strategies with neighborhood attraction. ESANN 2001 7
Vision-based localization for mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2001 54
Sensing Odour Sources in Indoor Environments Without a Constant Airflow by a Mobile Robot. ICRA 2001 71
Centering behavior with a mobile robot using monocular foveated vision. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2000 17
Detection, tracking, and pursuit of humans with an autonomous mobile robot. IROS 1999 69
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