Alex Pentland

123 publications

23 venues

h-Index 55

Google's h-Index 137

Additional Information

2023 - Computer Science in United States Leader Award
2014 - Member of the National Academy of EngineeringFor contributions to computer vision and technologies for measuring human social behavior.
Google Citations
Name Venue Year citations
Adaptive Methods for Real-World Domain Generalization. CVPR 2021 28
One More Step Towards Reality: Cooperative Bandits with Imperfect Communication. NIPS/NeurIPS 2021 9
Cooperative Multi-Agent Bandits with Heavy Tails. ICML 2020 22
Kernel Methods for Cooperative Multi-Agent Contextual Bandits. ICML 2020 19
Differentially-Private Federated Linear Bandits. NIPS/NeurIPS 2020 57
Learning Quadratic Games on Networks. ICML 2020 0
Private and Byzantine-Proof Cooperative Decision-Making. AAMAS 2020 0
Leveraging Communication Topologies Between Learning Agents in Deep Reinforcement Learning. AAMAS 2020 0
Thompson Sampling on Symmetric Alpha-Stable Bandits. IJCAI 2019 8
Urban Swarms: A new approach for autonomous waste management. ICRA 2019 0
Active Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making. AIES 2019 0
An Experimental Study of Cryptocurrency Market Dynamics. CHI 2018 52
GINA: Group Gender Identification Using Privacy-Sensitive Audio Data. ICDM 2018 10
DeepMood: Forecasting Depressed Mood Based on Self-Reported Histories via Recurrent Neural Networks. WWW 2017 131
Exploiting the use of recurrent neural networks for driver behavior profiling. IJCNN 2017 47
bandicoot: a Python Toolbox for Mobile Phone Metadata. JMLR 2016 52
Modeling Human Ad Hoc Coordination. AAAI 2016 8
Emergent Collective Sensing in Human Groups. Cognitive Science 2015 7
Social Information Leakage: Effects of Awareness and Peer Pressure on User Behavior. HCI 2014 16
Friends don't lie: inferring personality traits from social network structure. UbiComp 2012 193
Graph-Coupled HMMs for Modeling the Spread of Infection. UAI 2012 51
Composite Social Network for Predicting Mobile Apps Installation. AAAI 2011 123
Keynote: Building a Nervous System for Society: The 'New Deal on Data' and How to Make Health, Financial, Logistics, and Transportation Systems Work. ISWC 2011 0
The social fMRI: measuring, understanding, and designing social mechanisms in the real world. UbiComp 2011 72
Social sensing for epidemiological behavior change. UbiComp 2010 226
VibeFones: Socially Aware Mobile Phones. ISWC 2006 51
Shiver Motion and Core Body Temperature Classification for Wearable Soldier Health Monitoring Systems. ISWC 2004 39
MIThril 2003: Applications and Architecture. ISWC 2003 195
Technology Development for Building Flexible Silicon Functional Fibres. ISWC 2003 4
Sensing and Modeling Human Networks using the Sociometer. ISWC 2003 236
Wearables in the Workplace: Sensing Interactions at the Office. ISWC 2003 14
Social Network Computing. UbiComp 2003 55
The Memory Glasses: Subliminal vs.Overt Memory Support with Imperfect Information. ISWC 2003 0
Toward the Zero Attention Interface: Wearable Subliminal Cuing for Short Term Memory Support Memory. ISWC 2002 0
Expectation Maximization for Weakly Labeled Data. ICML 2001 16
Looking at People: Sensing for Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing. TPAMI 2000 461
Wearable Phased Arrays for Sound Localization and Enhancement. ISWC 2000 21
On Reversing Jensen's Inequality. NIPS/NeurIPS 2000 53
A Bayesian Computer Vision System for Modeling Human Interactions. TPAMI 2000 1892
Recognizing User Context via Wearable Sensors. ISWC 2000 149
Perceptual Intelligence: learning gestures and words for individualized, adaptive interfaces. HCI 1999 0
Probabilistic Object Recognition and Localization. ICCV 1999 55
Realtime Personal Positioning System for Wearable Computers. ISWC 1999 0
Graphical Models for Recognizing Human Interactions. NIPS/NeurIPS 1998 35
Characterization of Neuropathological Shape Deformations. TPAMI 1998 89
Visual Contextual Awareness in Wearable Computing. ISWC 1998 171
Extracting Context from Environmental Audio. ISWC 1998 39
Maximum Conditional Likelihood via Bound Maximization and the CEM Algorithm. NIPS/NeurIPS 1998 86
A Wearable Haptic Navigation Guidance System. ISWC 1998 179
3D Modeling of Human Lip Motion. ICCV 1998 12
Bayesian Modeling of Facial Similarity. NIPS/NeurIPS 1998 46
Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Desk and Wearable Computer Based Video. TPAMI 1998 1393
Mixtures of Eigen Features for Real-Time Structure from Texture. ICCV 1998 0
Probabilistic Visual Learning for Object Representation. TPAMI 1997 1702
Coding, Analysis, Interpretation, and Recognition of Facial Expressions. TPAMI 1997 1072
The Role of Model-Based Segmentation in the Recovery of Volumetric Parts From Range Data. TPAMI 1997 59
Coupled hidden Markov models for complex action recognition. CVPR 1997 1244
Wearable Performance. ISWC 1997 14
Parametrized structure from motion for 3D adaptive feedback tracking of faces. CVPR 1997 310
Stochasticks: Augmenting the Billiards Experience with Probabilistic Vision and Wearable Computers. ISWC 1997 122
The Digital Doctor: An Experiment in Wearable Telemedicine. ISWC 1997 25
Tactual Displays for Wearable Computing. ISWC 1997 182
A Wearable Computer Based American Sign Language Recognizer. ISWC 1997 0
LAFTER: Lips and Face Real-Time Tracker. CVPR 1997 0
Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body. TPAMI 1997 0
Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Libraries: Representation and Retrieval. TPAMI 1996 26
Task-Specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time Using Interpolated Views. TPAMI 1996 134
Generalized Image Matching: Statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations. ECCV 1996 90
Bayesian face recognition using deformable intensity surfaces. CVPR 1996 94
Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive Room. CVPR 1996 143
Cooperative Robust Estimation Using Layers of Support. TPAMI 1995 164
Active Gesture Recognition using Learned Visual Attention. NIPS/NeurIPS 1995 19
Recursive Estimation of Motion, Structure, and Focal Length. TPAMI 1995 600
Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition. TPAMI 1995 556
Facial Expression Recognition Using a Dynamic Model and Motion Energy. ICCV 1995 295
Probabilistic Visual Learning for Object Detection. ICCV 1995 470
Modeling Interactive Agents in ALIVE. IJCAI 1995 10
ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment. AAAI 1994 41
Shape analysis of brain structures using physical and experimental modes. CVPR 1994 57
View-based and modular eigenspaces for face recognition. CVPR 1994 2267
Object representation for object recognition. CVPR 1994 5
Interpolation Using Wavelet Bases. TPAMI 1994 49
Correlation and Interpolation Networks for Real-time Expression Analysis/Synthesis. NIPS/NeurIPS 1994 24
A vision system for observing and extracting facial action parameters. CVPR 1994 197
Space-time gestures. CVPR 1993 451
A modal framework for correspondence and description. ICCV 1993 33
The Use of Geons for Generic 3D Object Recognition. IJCAI 1993 21
Visually Controlled Graphics. TPAMI 1993 229
Recursive estimation of structure and motion using relative orientation constraints. CVPR 1993 107
Classifying Hand Gestures with a View-Based Distributed Representation. NIPS/NeurIPS 1993 26
3-D Shape Recovery Using Distributed Aspect Matching. TPAMI 1992 324
Surface Interpolation Using Wavelets. ECCV 1992 10
A simple algorithm for shape from shading. CVPR 1992 205
Against Edges: Function Approximation with Multiple Support Maps. NIPS/NeurIPS 1991 0
Markov/Gibbs texture modeling: aura matrices and temperature effects. CVPR 1991 31
On the representation of occluded shapes. CVPR 1991 3
Closed-Form Solutions for Physically Based Shape Modeling and Recognition. TPAMI 1991 260
Photometric Motion. TPAMI 1991 73
Recovery of non-rigid motion and structure. CVPR 1991 490
Face recognition using eigenfaces. CVPR 1991 3231
Closed-form solutions for physically-based shape modeling and recognition. CVPR 1991 352
Recovery of Nonrigid Motion and Structure. TPAMI 1991 0
Segmentation by minimal description. ICCV 1990 74
Extraction Of Deformable Part Models. ECCV 1990 19
Qualitative 3-D shape reconstruction using distributed aspect graph matching. ICCV 1990 20
Photometric motion. ICCV 1990 0
A simple, real-time range camera. CVPR 1989 117
Perception of Non-Rigid Motion: Inference of Shape, Material and Force. IJCAI 1989 21
Shape Information From Shading: A Theory About Human Perception. ICCV 1988 206
On the Extraction of Shape Information from Shading. AAAI 1988 6
On the Imaging of Fractal Surfaces. TPAMI 1988 154
A New Sense for Depth of Field. TPAMI 1987 0
Perceptual Organization and the Representation of Natural Form. Artificial Intelligence 1986 663
Parts: Structured Descriptions of Shape. AAAI 1986 19
Shading into Texture. Artificial Intelligence 1986 0
A New Sense for Depth of Field. IJCAI 1985 1172
Fractal-Based Description of Natural Scenes. TPAMI 1984 1969
Local Shading Analysis. TPAMI 1984 415
Shading Into Texture. AAAI 1984 157
Fractal-Based Description. IJCAI 1983 40
Three-Dimensional Shape From Line Drawings. IJCAI 1983 14
Local Computation of Shape. AAAI 1982 11
Local Computation of Shape. ECAI 1982 0
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